In 2022, Mosaic Baptist Church celebrated its 50 year anniversary. By God’s grace, this has followed a rich history stemming from its foundations as Belconnen Baptist Church.
After a period of 2-3 years with Baptist-affiliated Christians meeting as a fellowship in homes, Belconnen Baptist Church was founded in 1972 with 38 members.
Sunday services were held in Page Primary School Belconnen. Several ministries were commenced including an all-age Christian Education Program and a missionary support program.
Church members have warmly embraced input from a variety of evangelical traditions with many members (and then leaders) coming from differing backgrounds. Lay leadership has been via a Diaconate (since 1972) and an Eldership (since 1978).
The church has been supported in its ministries by five pastorates:
- Rev. Dr Garth Eichhorn (1975-1986),
- Rev. Linton Smith (1987-2000) and
- Rev. David Moyes (2003-2012).
- Rev. Clayton Riddle (2016-2020)
- Rev. Phil Waugh (2022-)
Many other ministers both lay and professional of shorter duration have enriched the church over these years including the current leadership team.
The original church centre was built in the mid-1970s. In 1990 a larger church centre was completed – an extension to the original building. With a desire to use the building for community outreach a Creative Leisure group was commenced. In the mid-80s Another Chance Op Shop (now at the Scullin Shops) was opened for business.
In 2000, the church purchased a house in close proximity to the church that now serves as a Community Centre.
As the end of the century loomed, it was apparent that the then current leadership structures were inadequate for a ministry into the new century. In particular, the Deacons were often preoccupied with administrative issues and had little time to address the real work of the church via ministry.
This resulted in considerable heart-searching and through a vision forming process we believe we were led to clearly articulate a vision for the Church. From this, God led to a revision of the role of Deacons.
This resulted in a decision that they should become Servant Leaders, with responsibilities for specific areas of ministries. The Servant Leadership Team, therefore, replaced the Diaconate.
As these new initiatives were launched, the dreams and visions of many became realities as the gifting of many became released in service through ministry teams and servant leadership roles.
A further change to the church’s leadership structure occurred in 2003 when it was decided that Servant Leaders would concentrate on their ministry portfolios, and a new team, the Church Board, would become the officers of the Church and be responsible for policy decisions, governance, finance and staffing.
More recently, the church adopted a multi-congregational model across a variety of locations.
Initially around 40-50 people met in a local school in the Gungahlin area as a new congregation was formed, led by Pastor Clayton Riddle. In 2015 the church purchased a building in Mitchell, ACT part of the Gungahlin area as the meeting place for this congregation.
With a new location in the Gungahlin region of the ACT being added, it was appropriate to review the name of the church as ‘Belconnen Baptist’ in Gungahlin was not suitable.
After considerable discussion and consideration of several names by members of the church, Mosaic Baptist Church was chosen.
Mosaic represented the diversity of the community of people, their ages, backgrounds and cultures as one Body in Christ.
Along with the adoption of the multi-congregational model, the church undertook a review to ensure its vision, goals, purposes and operational model all aligned.
In 2018, discussions were underway with North Belconnen Baptist Church in Evatt. North Belconnen had been operating since the early 80s.
On November 21 2018, North Belconnen Baptist Church and Mosaic Baptist Church agreed to formally merge, with the intention that as a consequence the unincorporated association of North Belconnen Baptist Church will be dissolved, and a new congregation of Mosaic Baptist Church will be launched.
Mosaic Baptist Church, Evatt, held its first service on 17 February 2019.
From its inception Mosaic Baptist Church has been deeply committed to cross cultural mission and has sent and supported a large number of workers.
We praise God for the way He has blessed His church and we are mindful of our responsibilities in serving Him through the community, locally and overseas, now and into the future.