- Our Statement of Beliefs
- Our Values
- Our Vision
Our Statements of Beliefs
We believe:
- in one eternal God who created all things and who exists in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Spirit;
- that all people are created in God’s image for relationship with God and thus have dignity and value;
- that because the first man Adam disobeyed God, all people have sinned and have therefore become separated from God and subject to his judgement, condemnation and punishment;
- that Jesus Christ, though the divine Son of God, came to earth as a human, lived a sinless life, was killed by crucifixion, was buried, rose again physically and returned to heaven;
- that through his perfect obedience to the Father in his life and death and by rising from the dead, Jesus has opened the way for all people to be forgiven and restored to fellowship with God, being freed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin;
- in the essential work of God the Spirit in making the death of Jesus effective in the individual, granting repentance toward God the Father and faith in Jesus his Son;
- that God the Spirit lives in those who have faith in Jesus, transforming them to be more like Jesus, and equipping and empowering them to serve God;
- that there is one universal church to which all who have faith in Jesus belong, and that the local church is the primary means that God uses to reach the world and fulfil his mission;
- in celebrating baptism by immersion of those who have come to faith in Jesus as a witness to their participation by faith in his death, burial, and resurrection;
- in celebrating the Lord’s supper in remembrance of Jesus’ death and in anticipation of his return;
- in the personal return and reign of Jesus, God the Son, when the whole human race, both the living and the dead, will be held accountable to God – those who have put their faith in Jesus will experience eternal life with God and those who have not will experience eternal separation from God.
- in the divine inspiration of the bible, being the Old and New Testaments, which is the supreme and sufficient authority in all matters of Christian belief and conduct.
Our Values
Jesus Front & Centre
Nothing Matters More
Jesus is who we worship around here! He is central to our everyday living and our role model in all of life. As people seeking to follow his words, ways and works, Jesus will feature in our worship, prayer, decision making and in our everyday life and conversation.
Scriptures that inform our understanding of this value: Matt 6:33, Matt 16:24-26, Col 3:1-10,
John 14:6
All About the Other
There’s room for you
We hope people will experience the abundant welcome and humility of Jesus in all their interactions with us as we genuinely seek to love and serve others. We will champion a high invitation “come as you are” culture which is inclusive and non-judgemental at its core.
Scriptures that inform our understanding of this value: Luke 19:1-10, Luke 15:11-32, Phil 2:1-8,
Col 3:12-15, John 13:35, Lk 18:35-43, John 14:2
Everyone Gets to Play
The mission of God in the hands of ordinary people
We firmly believe that life in the Kingdom is a hands-on experience where we all get to be involved. We will build a discipling culture where everyone is growing as followers (not just fans) of Jesus. Just as Jesus invited his disciples to teach and serve before they were fully formed, we will invite people at all stages of faith to be part of Team Mosaic as we walk forwards together.
Scriptures that inform our understanding of this value: Mk 1:16-20, Matt 28:17-20, Eph 2:10
Costly Faith
The Gospel always disrupts our status quo
We respond to God’s goodness with gratitude and generosity in all seasons. We believe that every good gift comes from God, and that we are called to be conduits of God’s grace, not buckets or dams – we are blessed to be a blessing. We are committed to modelling a generosity of spirit and living for others. We practice tithing as a spiritual discipline, acknowledging that all we have comes from God and actively resisting the temptation that life comes from the abundance of our possessions.
Scriptures that inform our understanding of this value: Acts 20:35, Luke 12:15, John 15:9-13, Luke 6:38,
Matt 5-7
Keeping Pace with Jesus
Prayerful consideration of his leading
Whether Jesus is calling us to take a courageous step of faith or sit at his feet, we will be radically committed to keeping in step with him.
Scriptures that inform our understanding of this value: Mark 1:14-15, Matt 11:16-19, 25-30, John 5:19,
John 15:1-17