Volunteer and Leader Code of Conduct:
At the 2019 AGM on 12 November the Leader and Volunteer Code of Conducts were launched. A Code of Conduct provides Mosaic with the ability to demonstrate that the Church makes all volunteers and staff aware of the requirements that we expect for our own behaviour to ensure Mosaic is a safe place for anyone in the community to be.
Asking leaders and volunteers to sign the Code of Conduct does not imply that we believe there is any inappropriate behaviour occurring or that there is any increased risk of such behaviour. We believe that the behaviours contained in the Code should be able to be supported by any church attendee as they are based on the core Christian beliefs and behaviours God would expect us to already be practising.
Signing a Code of Conduct is mandatory for all leaders and volunteers at Mosaic. The Volunteer Code of Conduct is for anyone who undertakes a role at Mosaic, regardless of ministry area, whether it is solo or in a group, or whether it is voluntary or paid. Volunteers include those on rosters for any of our ministry areas.
The Leader Code of Conduct is for those who have a leadership role. If you are in charge of other volunteers as part of your ministry, or part of a committee that oversights ministries of the church or ministries conducted in Mosaic’s name, you are a leader.
Leaders are only required to sign the Leader Code of Conduct, not both.
Mosaic leadership encourages all members of Mosaic to sign the Volunteer Code both in case you were to become a volunteer in the future and to demonstrate support for Mosaic demonstrating itself as a safe place in the community. At this stage it appears that in future even ad hoc volunteering (such as for a one-off event) will require signing of a Code of Conduct so it is better to have signed one.
You can download a copy (see below), print it, sign it and scan to office@mosaicbaptist.org.au or return it to the office (either hand deliver or post). Once they have been collected, your signed copy will be scanned for our records and an electronic copy, or photocopy if preferred, returned to you.
If you have questions about the content of the code, or whether you need to sign one, you can seek advice through the secretary.
If you are a volunteer or leader and do not feel you can sign the Code of Conduct, you will need to speak to your ministry leaders in the first place about how to proceed.