Who are we?
Busy Bees is a vibrant playgroup for children aged 0-5 years old, and for their parents or carers. We invite families to come and be an active part of a supportive community where parents can connect and build new relationships and kids can interact with each other and engage in creative, active and cooperative play. It is a warm and welcoming environment, and we would love to have you come along.
Our time together includes:
- free play;
- outdoor play;
- art and craft;
- music and movement; and
- morning tea.
When and where
Busy Bees Playgroup meets on Monday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30am, during school terms, at Page.
The groups may be full, or near capacity, so if you are considering coming for the first time, please contact the coordinator at busybees@mosaicbaptist.org.au if possible to ensure that we can fit you in.
Registration for all Playgroups
Registration is $20 per term (including craft materials and morning tea for the kids). Contact us on 02 6254 6565 for further information, or complete this form: